Mike Costello Painting - Painting Tips from a Professional Roofing Painter
Lower gloss finishes give a softer, smoother look while higher gloss finishes tend to amplify minor dents, dings & seams. Some degree of gloss on trim will add detail to any structure.
A large boxy house can be broken up by using a trim color that contrasts the body color.
A small house will appear larger if the trim is painted the same color as the body of the house.
Evaluate the condition of your house. The south side of your house is usually the worst because of sun exposure. Prep work is key to making sure the new coating adheres properly. The north side may have some mildew issues. Apply a bleach or bio-degradeable solution before powerwashing, and make sure your high-quality exterior paint contains a mildew-inhibitors.
Whenever you paint or use paint preparation products, make it a point to carefully read the label directions before starting the project. There might be safety precautions mentioned that you might not be aware of, such as ventilation requirements, or warnings about not allowing contact between the product and your skin. You should also be aware of any first aid measures that you might need before you start to use the product, because if an accident occurs, it will be too late to read the label. You will also need to read the label in order to know how to use the product, and what solvents or other products you will need to clean up with after the job is complete.
If you are about to sell your home, you probably want to make it as appealing as possible, so that you stand the best chance of attracting